Get ready for the future of real estate by jumping into the deep end
As I see it, there are two ways to handle a crisis as deep and far ranging as the coronavirus pandemic. You can hang out in the shallow end of the pool with other real estate professionals you know, having fear-based conversations and commiserating about the state of the affairs. Or you can join the small handful of others who are in the deep end of the pool, taking this opportunity to reinvent their businesses for success, no matter what’s coming down the road.
Both ends of the pool can be uncomfortable for different reasons. The shallow end can be deceiving: It looks like the easier place to be and it’s also the path of least resistance. There are more people to talk to, and it doesn’t take much mental energy to worry or complain about what’s happening in the market or on the news. But if you are honest with yourself, it will eventually become clear that such an approach will keep you treading water, or worse, cause you to slowly start sinking.
The deep end offers a different challenge. You’re often going at it alone. The focus is on uncomfortable topics like how your business needs to adjust. There are no rules to follow, and you’re working hard every day to stay afloat.
I know how it feels because, in addition to being a life coach for real estate professionals, I’ve also spent the last 13 years as an active agent. I have a solid understanding of what it takes to get the job done.
Most of my coaching clients were in the shallow end this spring. Once we collectively got past the initial shock and began to adjust, I started challenging them. It was clear to me that this could be an opportunity for those who were willing to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work.
The fact is, there is opportunity in adversity. You just have to look for it. No matter what the economic situation, someone has prospered because of it. The people and companies making more income than they’d ever anticipated right now are the ones that have pivoted. I watched as they made adjustments early on. Take, for example, Panera Bread. They saw that their drive-thru system wasn’t efficient and revamped it. They also created a light grocery pick-up for things like milk and bread that they were already stocking. Finally, they entered the delivery service market quickly and offered cash incentives to customers willing to try it out.
Take a minute to look around your world and see who else is thriving. When you notice these shifts happening around you, it opens the door to seeing opportunities in your business as well.