6 Ways to Start Moving Towards Your Dreams Today

It seems that now more than ever, it’s a challenge to stay focused on your target and keep the momentum going. Lots of people have had banner years, personally and professionally. I’ve heard from many that they’ve had the opportunity to try something they’d never considered and have also learned amazing things about themselves.

Many others have felt blindsided and like they are swimming upstream in uncharted waters.

No matter what’s happening now, I’m sure that you’ve set a goal in the past. Then watched yourself go from excitement to deflation and back again as you moved towards the finish line. That’s the natural flow of things when you’re working on something substantial.  

I know for most of my clients, the past year has made it even more difficult to pull themselves out of those dark places where they can’t find any motivation and have no idea where to pull it from.  

How do you keep pushing forward and give yourself that boost up when you’re down?

First things first. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you’re feeling about the current situation. It could be frustration or even resignation. Allow yourself to accept whatever emotions come up. Too often, we try to avoid these thoughts or try to talk ourselves out of them. When you relax into the feelings, they will begin to dissolve on their own. Maybe you’ve heard the expression “whatever you resist, persists”?

Also Read: 4 Tips to Increase Your Motivation And Stop Comparing Your Success With Others

Next, you’ll want to tell yourself a different story about what’s happening. That involves learning how to see things from a different angle. 


Author Teri Healy: Second Chapters; How I Reinvented Myself In The Second Chapter Of My Life